Guided Focusing Sessions

Guided Focusing Sessions

Some reasons people seek Guided Focusing Sessions are to:

  • be held in the safe, compassionate accompaniment of someone who is fully present, listens without judgement and does not give unasked for advice as you engage in your inner work
  • access  one’s own innate creativity and wisdom
  • as an adjunct to therapy
  • gain clarity and insight into a life situation, relationship, or problem
  • experience the release of tension that the Focusing process can bring
  • discover fresh new life-forward steps
  • cultivate the capacity to be fully present to anything
  • enhance our ability to listen within, to others, and to the larger world around us
Click Here to Schedule Your Session

“The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” -- Henry Miller

Parts Work is integrated into the process of Inner Relationship Focusing in a unique way that is all inclusive.

We believe that no part of our inner experiencing arises with the intent to harm us.

All aspects of our experience (including our inner critical voices and the other parts of us we tend to exile) are invited to show up and become known in a way that accompanies them safely and with gentle compassion.

As a certified professional Focusing trainer and guide whose life has been transformed by this practice, I have worked with many people internationally.  I invite you come sit beside me, experience, and re-discover the wisdom of your own inner world.

How To Schedule A Session

Go to my contact page and let me know:

  • That you would like a Focusing Session
  • Some (2 or 3) days and times you are available
  • Your timezone
  • Any questions you might have
  • Online Introductory Session is FREE
  • All further sessions can be provided online through Zoom or Skype, via phone (in the U.S.), or in person for those local to Connecticut. The choice is yours.
  • You can choose to have as many or as few sessions as you would like or feel you need, as you need them or pre-scheduled on particular days and times.
  • Cancelations that are made 24 hours or more prior to a scheduled session will be fully refunded.
  • Cost per 50 minute session  is currently discounted from $125 per session to $85 per session for the months of April thru August 2021 
  • I am offering a prepaid 5 session bundle for a significant discount.

*** If you are struggling due to the pandemic please let me know. I have never turned anyone away who can not pay the full fee***

What is Focusing?

Focusing is an inner listening process that is body-oriented.

It taps us into a more “whole” way of knowing that is empowering and creative.

“Our brains are not the wisest part of us.”  –Schopenhauer

How A Focusing Session Differs From Other Modalities:

A Guided Focusing Session is different from psychotherapy. The guide does not analyze, interpret, diagnose, or label. You are in control of what you choose to focus on, the level you choose to share and the pace at which you go.

It is different from professional life coaching.  The guide offers gentle invitations and suggestions to help you to stay present to your own process.You identify what needs the most attention.  There is no advice from the guide and there is no co-created plan of action.

It is different from pastoral counseling.  It is free of any theology and yet can fully embrace your spirituality, even at its most vulnerable moments.

It is different from just talking to a friend.  The guide is fully present and non-judgmental in a way that offers complete safety yet with the same level of deep caring.

It is different from guided meditation.  There is a responsiveness and companioning that goes beyond what Yoga Nidra or other meditative practices offer.

It is completely confidential

“When you live from your intuitive core, your belly, your heart, let your soul lead and spirit guide you, your words and actions will be naturally subversive.

You will go to your edge. You will soften. Become wildly tender.

Question is, will you wholly inhabit your own revolution? In beauty? This inner revolution is a perpetual ceremony of the heart. It’s what you are for.”


— Melissa LaFlamme in Inhabiting Wildly Tender Revolution
