Posts filed under: Wonder

Creating a Space of Wonder as the Year Closes

I love to collect things I find that inspire me: little quotes, poems, images, memories. I also love to continuously learn and grow my daily practices, like yoga and focusing.......

What I thought while walking in the rain

I love walking in the rain…i think differently…you should try it if you haven’t and tell me what it was like for you. On today’s walk, I thought this: Perhaps......

“Here I am,” says the tulip.

There are some things in life that you just can’t walk by, like this tulip I found today. A simple act of kindness on a day when everything feels rough.......

Spring is coming!

And just when it feels like the winter will never let go…..the pussy willow! From within the brittle cold and diamond hardness of winter’s edge….Spring’s first living words are uttered......