

to wander through

What are we learning from this?

some of my learning and re-learnings from this time…what are yours? that i love and that i am small…and that i need beauty and people more than anything. that the......

A Few Words About Fear

Informed care is a better motivator than fear....

While We Pause…

A few years ago, my life came to a screeching halt that I did not choose and I had to start again and that start was very slow. I was......

Support in the time of Corona (Covid-19)

I am providing free listening support to anyone who would like to work through their struggles surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all connected. If you are afraid, I am with......

Ash Wednesday–time to do the work we need to do to rise from the ashes of our past.

Can’t get this song out of my head…there is something about it..a good will..that i admire and want to make my own…a willingness to support and share the sometimes heavy......

A Powerful Portrait of Inner Work

For me, this film says “Don’t Give Up…there is beauty in this dance of life. Rise.” What does this evoke for you? It is a film that was dedicated by......