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We Are Happening Together…

We are happening together!...

Redrawing Connections To Make New Meaning

HA Ray didn't try to change the stars, he simply dared to redraw the ways they were connected so we could see the images more clearly. We can do that...

Creating a Space of Wonder as the Year Closes

I love to collect things I find that inspire me: little quotes, poems, images, memories. I also love to continuously learn and grow my daily practices, like yoga and focusing.......

What I thought while walking in the rain

I love walking in the rain…i think differently…you should try it if you haven’t and tell me what it was like for you. On today’s walk, I thought this: Perhaps......

A Great Daily Practice!

Today, I recalled a creative menu that I saw years ago from Gratitude Cafe and thought, “What a great daily practice!” I have a whole host of ways I express......

At the Cusp of Winter

Realigning with our greatest dreams at the cusp of winter...

Focusing and Photography

Greetings from Connecticut! I have a very untrained eye, as far as photography goes, but I use my camera to nourish my soul to capture some of the ephemeral and......

Pedestals And Prisons

Humans don't belong on pedestals. Trapped and enshrined by the allure of others' admiration for something we have done or an ideal we may represent for them can affix us...

Hello Luminous You….

“The moon reflected on all she had seen for millions of years. And her conclusion, as ours will be— is luminous.”–From “The Wisdom of Hafiz” My Reflection:It took me a......


a link to a bit of War Horse: I know this is late….but ….i get really tearful…because War Horse was a production i saw live that somehow really brought......