About Me

My Story

The Story Within My Story

In the image below, you can actually see the core around which a whole tree formed, intact at its center.  The tree never left it behind as it grew but kept it central.  A wondering I have: There is something about the open-arms shape of the sapling around which a whole, strong, and beautiful tree emerged! Might our own growth and unfolding be something like that too?

The story I tell above is like that for me and speaks something of the incredible life giving power of experiencing full presence whether gifted to one’s self-by one’s self, to an Other, or received from an Other.


Hi, My name is Kelly Verret and I bring a background that blends professional nursing (RN), literature (BA), spirituality (MDiv), and Focusing (a process of deep empathic inner listening) together with a spectrum of life experiences that enable me to walk with people in and across all of life’s situations. I offer Spiritual Accompaniment, Accompaniment for Life’s Transitions and Grief, and  professionally guided Focusing sessions that facilitate your capacity to listen within and cultivate the kind of Presence out of which the new can emerge. I also offer Focusing courses so you can continue to deepen this capacity. I love empowering people to discover the infinite creativity of their own embodied wisdom.

I have worked locally and internationally with artists, engineers, therapists, dreamers, teachers, actors, medical professionals, deli clerks, professors, priests, and business people…at the peaks, valleys, and in-betweens of their careers and lives….the young, the middle, and the old of every orientation, gender, color, belief system and ethnicity.

When I am not working, some things that nourish me: Spending real quality time with my son,  being out in nature both alone and with the people and creatures I love, writing poetry and prose, singing, and using my yoga swing.    I also like hand spinning yarn out of big clouds of soft wool, collecting old typewriters, and meeting all kinds of people wherever I go.  I am a free spirit. I believe that plants and creatures have gifts for us, can feel our presence, and speak to us in a language we can understand. I believe in the power of play and wonder.  I don’t think I could live well without having a furry creature as a companion. My dog’s name is Bodhi, he is little, thinks he is the boss, and on a leash is sort of like trying to fly a kite in a hurricane.

I look forward to meeting and learning more about YOU!     PS: I have been to hell and back many times..I have learned so much through falling down. I share things about my own story when I feel that someone really needs them.   AND, since I was very little, people, whether i know them well or not, like to approach me and want to tell me everything about themselves and thier lives. What a gift!!!

“Remember on this one thing, said Badger. The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive."
--Barry López in Crow and Weasel

My "Way"

Be Open

Don’t chase or grasp.  Make a safe space for things to show up as they are and share.

“You don’t get a flower to bloom faster by shouting at a bud.”–Christine Feldman

Hold Things Loosely As You Explore Them

Don’t label what comes to be shared like you are pinning it down. A knot will only tighten more if you pull too hard at it indiscriminantly. Panic won’t solve it, only likely worsen it. Hold it in a looser way. Let the knot offer which thread wants to be touched.


Don’t force. Invite.

If it is not ready to share something with you. Let that be okay.


When it is ready to share, listen. Just listen. Don’t tell it how it should be. Reflect back what you have understood to make sure you got it right. Let it correct you if you haven’t.

Allow It to Unfold

Let it change of its own accord and in its own time. Trust that it will unfold and shift when, ready. Then there will be more to know.  What is inside us is not static, including the meaning we make of things.  Life is just that way.

Be Grateful

Be grateful that it let itself be glimpsed and known, even if it is just a little bit. Trust takes time to grow.

Thank You For Listening

Kelly Verret RN, BA-English, Masters in Divinity
Full Presence Listening through Guided Inner Relationship Focusing and Spiritual Direction (if desired)
What is within each one of us needs to be listened to in the way this sign asks us to listen to nature.  The listening I offer and teach reaches both inwards and outwards towards the healing of this world.

    Found on a sign in a forest in Tofino, British Columbia.  Photo by Özlem Mavis.

    Photo by Özlem Mavis

    Let Grace Land In Your Life

    “Grace is always available but it can never be forced. Rather, it happens in the way a falling leaf lands in the hand that is open and waiting.”  –Kelly Verret

    Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby something much greater than us speaks to us, and the art of life lies in the unfolding discovery of how to listen for that speaking with our Whole Self.