Autumn on the Lake (my sunrise moment yesterday)

Greetings from Connecticut! I have a very untrained eye, as far as photography goes, but I use my camera to nourish my soul to capture some of the ephemeral and often small moments where beauty shines. Later, I use these photos as points of awareness to bring within. I want to share some of what came to me in my Focusing session with the photos I took yesterday of an amazing sunrise.

As I reflect upon them, I gaze in wonder at these photos and bring them within into my center of awareness, there is Something about them and they move Something within me. Then I listen to that something. So much happens…

Today, through the process, I realize that the tree’s response to the brutal summer drought was to grow more vibrant this Autumn.

And now I am pondering the ways being a Focusing partner is like and somehow differs from this practice.

A Focusing partner offers reflective, active, and non-judgmental listening to hold a safe space for someone. This empowers the Focuser to stay with something In them that wants their awareness so it can be known, heard, and unfold as it will. With my camera, in a sense, I am partnering the universe around me, although I choose the focus and the lens provides the holding space. And so, I listen with my eyes and heart, so the lake and the sunrise and the trees, as they are expressed in the moment from different points of view, can stay with ME!  These photos are of just one sunrise from different points of view held lovingly in my lens.

As I ponder more, I realize, the lake itself, is partnering in a similar way. It is reflective of the world around it, and so its moods and tones and light shift and shimmer minute by minute into infinity. How wonderful to be part of it all. How wonderful that our inner worlds are so much like the ever shifting lake I live by. May your own Autumn days be filled with wonder.