a link to a bit of War Horse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqvfSTIAOvs

I know this is late….but ….i get really tearful…because War Horse was a production i saw live that somehow really brought the reality faced by so many soldiers and those they relied on to help them in battle …the loss..all of our loss…..so great…the love and sacrifice…so unrepayable….. here is a bit of that…. May we never forget …..May we honor all who have given their lives truly believing they were fighting for all of us……I will never forget and I will try my best to do my part to make my own life something that honors the sacrifice you gave. further more…i remember your families….and the ways your loss has hurt all of us. I also remember those who have had to watch you die….and suffer…and who have lost pieces of themselves to the hard decisions they have had to make in battle…decisions no one should have to make……and I pray for peace….so we do not have to lose more beautiful young lives.

I am, beyond my Focusing, an RN at a prison…….it has changed my thinking and my believing in ways i never could have imagined. I recommend that all activists immerse themselves fully in the realities of the causes they advocate for before speaking…………..please.