A few weeks ago, I went outside and just noticed what wanted my awareness. And, there was this: one golden leaf that landed just so upon a wet, green, open hydrangea leaf. This led me into wonder.

There was something about this hydrangea leaf that visually affirmed my own experience of love, forgiveness and change. I recalled all the unnecessary energy I expended chasing after those things in the past and laughed. They only arrived when I let myself stop chasing them and simply allowed myself to be open, ready and non-expectant, a state of being that can not be forced, but can be cultivated. The rest has all been pure gift.

I also saw more in this image: something about Autumn and Summer kissing at the border of change and something about the gift of soft landings. For someone else it was about gentleness.

Just stopping to notice is a powerful practice in which one realizes there is nothing ordinary at all about the way Nature speaks to us all the time.

I invite you to share what you “just noticed” today…

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