A good friend sent me these words right on time today and I am sharing them with you (just in case you need them too) along with a song that is my “go to” in troubled times.

From St. Augustine of Hippo:
You are not walking on the lake like Peter but on another sea, for this world is a sea; trials its waves, temptations its storms, and men devouring each other as fishes do. Don’t be afraid, step out stoutly lest you sink. When the gale blows and the waves rise, and your weakness makes you fear you will be lost, cry out, “Lord, I am sinking,” and he who bade you walk will not let you perish.

A Word about “Perishing”:

In the quote attributed to Augustine above, he says that if you ask for help, you will not perish. This needs some exploration. I do not believe that he thought that anyone who called on God for help would escape death or sickness–those are natural parts of life. But even if he did think so, I interpret differently. What might it mean to “perish?” For me, “to perish” is to give in to a kind of fear of the unknown and uncertain, letting that fear have sway over what I say and/or decide to do (something like that). It is a temporary state of being that can cut us off from others, and life giving action, where we may feel we have lost or are losing ourselves and our sense of self worth… It can feel like sinking into a paralyzing hopelessness about the meaning of life and/or our role in the world. It is getting ourselves stuck (and..no wonder) in the “I can’t do it…survive it…go through it…find my way out of it” voice without also holding and feeling the voice within (no matter how small) that still says, “yes you can….it might be tough..but you’ve got to keep stepping…keep trying…i love you….life changes..this will change too…..ride the wave….you matter.”

A Funny Story:

My son was a very active toddler. Sitting down was outside of his comfort zone and getting him to sit was a mammoth challenge requiring a level of creativity I did not always possess. One evening, as we were waiting for our food to arrive at a restaurant, MP’s dad said something and wonder upon wonders, MP sat down. His dad exclaimed, “ahhhh so I CAN walk on water..the impossible has happened.” To which MP immediately responded, “No Dad…Only Peter and Jesus can walk on water.” 🙂

Sometimes navigating life does feel impossible, like walking on choppy water. But in reality, its not only Peter who can do it. It is something we all can do, especially if we allow ourselves to ask for support when we really need it. A little of the right kind of support can go a long way.

And..if you need support…let me know…I am here to walk with you and lift you up: /https://www.everunfoldingself.com/contact-2/